Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tag, You're It!....NightFall914

Okay, if you have ever played tag you're it blog style, here are the rules:

Questions are asked.

I answer them.

And the other blogger who I tag must answer them as well on their blog.

And then they must tag someone. 

And it goes on and on.

Okay so here we go.

NIGHTFALL914, you've been tagged yo!

Who do you look up to the most?
My grandmother

Because she is the rock of the family, the anchor, the Sunday school teacher, the chef, the doctor, the counselor, the everything we need to get by.

What are your greatest assests?
My mind (intelligence) and my children

What are your weaknesses?
I am a sucker for love. Period.

What do you like most about yourself?
I am versatile. I can go in the uppity white bread area and kick it on their level and I can turn around and go to the 'hood with the grimyest of nikkuhs and fit in. A chameleon. And most people underestimate that which is definately an advantage for me.

How many times have you been in love?

How many of them truly loved you back?
2 and a possible ( I playing spades?)

What has been your proudest moment?
When my son is on the stage and everyone is clapping for him or in awe of his talent. Or when my daughter does amazing things like learn her colors in 30 minutes after reading a book with her. Also the birth of both of my children.

What has been one of your worst moments?
When I lived in my car for a few months in 1998. That was the worst. The lowest of the low.

Who is your best friend?
Hope Courts-- La familia.

What makes you cry?
Not much. I am heartless like that. I don't show emotion unless you penetrate my force field and even then, I view you as suspect.

Do you think you are attractive?
Yes. If I didn't, who would?

What is the last thing you ate?
Hot fries last night while getting my hair done.

Are you currently in love?
No. But strong like. Very strong.

Who is your hero?
God. My Daddy. Obama. Period.

1 comment:

NightFall914 said...

Simple to answer my questions.These were