No more juices and berries and relaxers and all that jazz. Just the raw truth, whatever that is. I haven't had virgin hair since I was 14 years old. I can't even imagine what it would be like. But lately, I have really been thinking about going au naturel and let my hair's natural texture take effect. I've been browsing many natural hair websites and I've been really inspired to do it! My mom has been natural for like 4 years or something like that and she loves it. Just wash and go! And a friend of mine named Laverne on the web took the natural challenge this summer and girlfriend looks fierce! YUP!
I know relaxers and weaves and all of it is just a crutch. I can admit that to myself. But how do I even begin this journey? Are their any natural-ites out there? How would I transition from relaxed to natural? Please clue a sistah in and givesome advice. It would be greatly appreciated.
I think you would look cute natural plus it's better for your hair and more healthy. Good luck sis. I don't have any tips for you, but I think you will have to cut off all of your hair to get rid of the relaxer.
You already know how I feel about it without even asking!!!! Go for girl you'll love it. When you get ready to transition, start with braids. OMG you are going to love it!! You'll look FIERCE too girl.
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