Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hillary for Secretary of State: My Take

I have always been a fan of HRC. In 2004 when the Democrats lost the presidency once again to the Repugs, I knew that Hillary was going to be there in 2008 to rescue us. But then when Obama announced he was running in Feb '07, I knew that if he made it through the initial primaries and caucuses, I would be voting for Obama. Simply put, Clinton was for the War and Obama has always been against it. That was something that distinguished the two, IMO, and Obama was going to have  my vote.

Of course we all know how this election played out. Obama crushed her. Clinton's team didn't seem unified, gave mixed messages to the press, and did not accurately understand that Obama was not a neophyte--she underestimated Obama's intelligence, political savvy, and 50 state startegy which ultimately won him the White House.

But now that it is over and we need to move forward, I think having Hillary as Secretary of State is a good move on paper but a bad one in the overall scheme of things. Hillary wants to be POTUS, there is no doubt about that. And her entitlement behavior that she and her husband displayed earlier in the race shows that she has an EGO this big...anyone who is like that doesn't work well "under" someone else. Especially someone like Obama who has demonstrated that he is the new Teflon Don. LOL. Plus her husband Bill has a lot of skeletons in his closet that would need to be unearthed during the vetting process. I know he is willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that he and his wife are still viable and visible in the political process, but there is always a questionmark cloud over his head.

Some people (including myself) have trust issues with Billy boy. He was an excellent President but a very bad purveyor of judgement.

Please oh please, Obama, go through all of your options before selecting ole Hill. I know you want to mend fences and unify the party. But at what cost? You don't want it to bite you in the behind later.

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