Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Update- 30 Day No Soda Challenge & Other Items

Can you believe it has been almost a month since I began my 30 Day No Soda Challenge? I began the challenge not only as a New Year's Resolution, but as a goal to live my life healthier in '09. I found myself drinking at least a six pack or so more of soda each day, and with diabetes being a problem in my family for so many years, I knew I had to stop the addiction. So on Monday, January 5, 2009, I started my 30 Day No Soda Challenge.

There have been many times that I slipped and fell off the wagon. But what kept me on the straight and narrow (besides prayer) is knowing that I would be so defeated if I drank a soda because I would have to blog about it and let you all know that I lost the good fight. That is one blog I don't want to have to write, especially since a few of my Twitter folks are also riding with me on the Challenge.

I have lost 11 pounds since I began. I wasn't doing this Challenge to lose weight, but this is a great side effect and I needed to lose bout 15 pounds anyway. I feel like I have more energy each day and I don't feel as bloated. I still get headaches every now and then but they don't last as long as they used to, and my body is getting used to not having as much caffeine. I drink about 15 glasses of water daily along with a few servings of juice (either cranberry or apple) and I also drink sweet tea, which is my latest addiction.

Someone on Twitter recognized that sweet tea can be just as bad as soda and pointed that out to me, so I began weaning myself off of that this week. I plan to be completely sweet tea free by the middle of next month as well. I am trying not to start too many Challenges at one time in order to keep balance and control in my life. I don't want to be overloaded with too many goals.

This Challenge will last beyond 30 Days. I would like to stay soda free (with the exception of a can or two here or there once or twice a month) for the rest of the year. I also want to begin a rigorous exercise challenge of Cardio and Yoga in February. My homie Forever Lex and I along with the USUAL SUSPECTS are planning a TweetUp in Miami in May and I so want to look flawless in a  two-piece. Dade County will never be the same. 

This Challenge this is slowly morphing into a lifestyle change and a way of life for me. Thanks to everyone who has continued to show me support through this No Soda Thing. I am ever so grateful. More than you know. :P


NightFall914 said...

Aaaaaah Miami.Home away from home.
Congrats on the maintained commitment.Before you know it not drinking soda will be a natural after thought. :)

Jillian said...

Love Miami...lol...congrats on the soda! :) I dabbled in a little soda last week lol but that's about it...like i want it in times of stress hahaha...but other than that lots of water which equates to lots of bathroom breaks! I don't know about 15 glasses, but I get at least 64oz in...

Keep up the good work and oh I'm SURE Miami won't know what hit em!!

Anonymous said...

you're actually adjusting to it alot quicker than the norm that goes along with the process, but thats a great look. sometimes you're gonna loosen up every once in a while and have a sip, but watch how funny it's going to taste after the fact.
great look long-term for you - congrats.


Eb the Celeb said...

Great thing to give up... I gave up soda the day I graduated from college... so almost 6 years ago...

Unknown said...

I am suffering slowly through this whole giving up soda and dieting thing. Remind me why in the heezy am I doing this again..

*Trying to stay focused on miami* OH THIS IS GOING TO BE A LONG 16 Weeks