Sunday, March 8, 2009
New Blog Redesign Is Complete!
I will no longer be updating this particular page. I hope to see you on the other side!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Checking Myself (Because Someone Has To)
*Get my non-profit off the ground and invest in my own business endeavor
*Get in shape. Work out on a regular basis. I have fallen off the last few months
*Establish better eating habits. Less dining out and cut out the sodas (oh how I love 'em)
*Finalize the revisions and edits of my novel and get it published this year, by May 1st
*Less television. More ME time
*Work on my son's website and help him establish his acting career
*Be more frugal when it comes to spending but not lose the spontaneity
*Continue to cultivate my blog and launch my personal website and vlog.
*Finally go to NEW YORK CITY!
Now of course this is only March 4th but I have noticed that I am slipping in most of these areas. I haven't worked on my non-profit paperwork or spoke with my planned Board since January. I've stopped drinking soda completely (yay) but I still do not have the best eating habits and I still eat out way too much (which is why I have been making a valiant effort since beginning my new Challenge). My novel still isn't completely edited and I have pushed the publishing date back AGAIN. I have the television on constantly AND my spending hasn't been curtailed. As far as my goal for my blog, I haven't been blogging nearly as much as I could be, even though I have plans to do more after my blog is redesigned. And I haven't even taped my first video blog (or vlog) and that was something that I was really looking forward to doing. I've went online and shopped airfares for NYC but still haven't purchased my ticket OR settled on a date to go.
There's not one thing that I have been consistent with on that list, well, with the exception of not drinking soda which I have done. It's kind of depressing when I think about it because the words staring back at me are ones that I wrote, goals that I have developed for myself and I have faltered. Took my eye off of the ball one too many times and here it is, heading into the 2nd quarter of the year and I am still seeking goals and not achieving them.
I've got to get my act together. NOW.
I never wanted to be the type of person who talked a lot of game, but in the end, was unable to back it up. I've known people like that and it's not a good thing to witness, especially when you see one's potential and they are too lazy to do anything with it. Laziness is not an option for me, I have too many things that I want to get done and I have to count on ME to get them done.
I consider this entry a reality check, one that needed to be done now and not six months from now. I will play my position. I will complete the goals that I have given myself, and I will NOT be lazy. If I can't check myself, who will?
I am accountable for my actions. And the buck stops here and the work begins. Try hard or end hard.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Day 1- Healthy Eating & Living Challenge
Many of you are aware that in January, I began a 30-day No Soda Challenge which I successfully completed and as of today's date, still haven't indulged in a full soda (although last week I had a sip of someones Coke). Now that I have lost a few pounds and feel the difference that living soda-free has made in my life, I have decided to also challenge myself with eating more healthy in order to get in shape and lose some more weight. My goal is to lose 15 to 20 lbs, which would make me picture perfect for a nice two-piece which I plan to wear during my trip to Miami with ForeverLex.
My goals are simple: NO FAST FOOD. No sodas. Work out at least three times a week. Cook a healthy meal at home at least five nights a week and stay away from take-out. I would like to stay under 1800 cals a day.
Here is the data on Day 1 of the Healthy Eating & Living Challenge:
Breakfast- a bowl of Rice Chex cereal with two percent milk (150 cals)
Lunch- nothing
Snack- two pieces of sharp cheddar cheese (180 cals)
Snack- 1 cup of orange juice (125 cals)
Dinner- Hungarian Skillet Stew with egg noodles (400 cals)
Snack- 1 cup of Silk chocolate milk (140 cals)
= 995 cals.
My Daddy, My Hero. My Life.
My father is and was a champion. Growing up, my parent's marriage was mostly in discord, but my dad was as good as gold. Being an only child, I was doted on and spoiled and played the Daddy's Little Girl role perfectly, but that is not why I consider my dad a good father. I consider my dad a wonderful dad because he stayed around while most dad's didn't. My mother was 19 and my dad was 21 when they had me, the two of them were relatively young and inexperienced in the ways of the world BUT he did what he was supposed to do, what some fathers don't do, and played his role.
I was often closer to my father than my mother for several reasons which would require another blog entry and another talking point. But let me just say that I don't think my mother really wanted to be a mother at so young of an age, and I am sure that is why she got her tubes tied early and never had any more kids. She wasn't the nurturing type of person, or touchy feely, where my dad was that type. He was affectionate. He attended all of my events at school, took me shopping for my first bra, and pretty much raised me while my mother always seemed to be searching for something other than what she had. I am not saying that my mother wasn't a good mom. I am just saying that when it came to parenting, she was out of her element most of the time and she will even admit that now.
There was a time in my Dad's life where he fell down and my parent's separated and that was when he got into cocaine heavily. In reality, both of my parents dabbled in recreational drug use but my dad got into it quite heavily and we almost lost everything we had. Once he quit the drug use, he began to drink and became an alcoholic and received two DUI's. My dad was not perfect, but when it came to ME, he made sure I was always taken care of and he continues to show me (and now HIS grandson and granddaughter) and he is always there when I need him. STILL!
The drinking caught up with my dad. When he was 35, he had his first heart attack and since then has been diagnosed with heart disease. He also has had several operations on his heart. My father also suffers with kidney problems and is in stage 3 of renal failure and will result in having dialysis weekly. I have already decided that once it gets to that point, I will be tested to see if I am a match so that I can donate my kidney to him. He also has liver problems and it seems his body is breaking down and according to his primary physician, is more like 75 years old instead of the 55 years old that he really is.
Our bond is eternal and I just when I think I cannot love him anymore than I already do, it continues to grow and grow. With his health deteriorating, each moment that I spend him is cherished more than the last. I love this man with all of my heart, and I am so blessed that he has been in my life, the way father's are supposed to be.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Growing Pains
Monday, February 23, 2009
Guest Blogger- Naturally Alise Responds To My Personal Domestic Abuse Post
I had to rebuild my self confidence and strength back, but I know what it feels like to be overpowered and bullied by the one that you love and who supposedly loves you. So I do feel for not only Rihanna, but for every victim of domestic or physical violence male or female.You can They say time heals all wounds. I would say that that is a correct assessment.I must respectfully semi-disagree with my buddy Dannigyrl. Time does NOT heal all wounds. In fact, emotional wounds behave just like physical wounds. * You can ignore the wound and it will get infected and become much larger and more detrimental than the original injury. In fact in 1997, I was sexually assaulted. I will not go into the specific details (I'll save that for my memoirs one day, shit, I'm gonna be famous y'all), but I swept it under the rug and refused to deal with it until a few years ago. That pain ate me up and festered in my spirit for all those years. It affected my lifestyle and affected every relationship I was ever in negatively. time did not heal a single thing. Not a one.* You can deal with the wound. You can endure the sting of the alcohol and cleanse it. Do you once I started talking about what happened to me and dealing with my emotions constructively, through therapy and support of friends I was able to come out a better and infinitely stronger woman. I just had to get over the feelings of shame and stigma (the sting of the alcohol, if you will) and just hold my head up. I did that, time didn't do a single thing. Not a one.BUT*Just like a wound, it scars. It leaves something behind. That doesn't mean it necessarily has to be bad. I am a firm believer in turning tragedy or negativity into something fruitful in the end. That is the key, use that time on this planet to do something that will help or encourage the next woman to restart her life and maybe be encouraged not to waste precious time walking around with open wounds.***I also really feel the need to throw in this random PSA. STOP blaming victims. Le sigh...***Thanks,Naturally Alise
You can visit Naturally Alise by going to her blog Black Woman Lost and Found HERE and Cubicle Crusaders HERE
Friday, February 20, 2009
Not To Be Taken Lightly.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
30 Day No Soda Challenge-Mission Accomplished
I Have Faltered.....
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Oh Freaking Boy! (An Open Letter)
Update- 30 Day No Soda Challenge & Other Items
Sunday, January 25, 2009
The Hilton.
I Am Not My Hair
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Um, I'm Milking.
Confidence Is Dope. Bragging? Not So Much
A Day I Will Never Forget
Monday, January 19, 2009
Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Dream Realized
Tagged & Awarded

I've been slipping lately on my blog. I was actually Tagged by my blog and Twitter pal Fungkeblakchik last Saturday and I am just getting around to posting and responding (charge it to my head and not my heart sis). While sitting here waiting on my plane to leave, I thought this would be as good of a time as any to return the favor to Fungkeblakchick and pass the award along to others who are well deserving. Time for me to pay it forward:
Five yummy things:
1. My smothered potatoes
2. Giodorno's Pizza
3. Grandma's liver and onions
4. Filet mignon from Fleming's steakhouse
5. Cobb or wedge salad with plenty o' bleu cheese dressing
Five songs I know by heart:
1. Paper Thin by MC Lyte
2. Don't Dream It's Over by Crowded House
3. Dear Mama Tupac
4. Rocket Man Elton John
5. I Need Love LL Cool J
Five places I would like to escape to (in no particular order):
1. Tokyo
2. Maui
3. London
4. NYC
5. Barbados
Five things I would never wear:
1. my hair blonde
2. velvet
3. gellies (shoes....why on earth did they make a comeback?)
4. jogging pants
Five favorite TV shows (in no particular order):
1. Intervention
2. American Idol
3. Big Love
4. Judge Mathis
5. Anything on HGTV
Five things I enjoy doing (in no particular order):
1. Sleeping
2. Shopping
3. Writing
4. Being a mommy to Codi and Laylah
5. Thinking dirty thoughts
Five Favorite toys (in no particular order):
1. My Blackberry Curve
2. My Chi iron
3. My new digital camera (can't wait to start vlogging)
4. Trixie, my laptop
5. My truck
Five people who I am tagging to fill this out and who I’ll also pass on the “Helping Hands Award” and those who I would want to participate in ‘paying it foward’:
1.NightFall914- I don't quite remember how I fell into the world of Blue Bloggington (Myspace perhaps) but this brother's blog has become my latest addiction. Raw, funny, and nerdy, NightFall never ceases to amaze me or entertain me.
2.Miss Jia- Ooh, chile, if you want no nonsense then Miss Jia is the blog to read. Full on uncanny honesty, as well as a You Tube sensation, while visiting Miss Jia, you will never be bored.
3. Forever Lex- This is my homie from Twitter who has become like a e-sister to me. Lex's blog is bold, fearless, and raw as she exposes her innermost feelings with every post. Visit her and you will see what I mean.
4. Rasha- Gotta love Raheim Shabazz. He stays on the grind and holds his passion of writing to the highest regards. Visit his site and show him some love.
5. Jillian- This girl is a beautiful blogger who started a new blog this year entitled New Year, New Attitude 2009. Follow her as she speaks of the changes she is making in her life on a journey of self improvement. And tell her I sentcha. :)